Deploy Java (Spring boot) application with MS-SQL database on Azure (Part 2)

5 min readMay 21, 2021


In this part of series, we will deploy the application that we created on the previous tutorial to Azure using the portal.


I — Create a Resource Group

  1. Connect to Azure Portal:
  2. Click on <Resource groups> and click on <+ Create> button
  • Subscription: Select your Azure subscription
  • Resource group: Enter the resource group name. For example: “azure-spring-mssql-rg”
  • Region: Select a Region from the list. Make sure to select the same region for all next resources. For Example: France Central
  • Click on <Review + Create>

3. Now, you can find the newly created resource group in the <Resource Groups> list.

Create Azure resource group

II — Create the database

  1. Connect to Azure Portal:
  2. Click on <Create a resource>
  3. Select <Database> in the left menu
  4. Click on <SQL Database> and select <Create>
Create Azure Database
Create Azure Database

5. Select your Azure subscription

6. Select the newely created resource group: “azure-spring-mssql-rg

7. Enter the database name, for example: “demoDB

8. For server, click on <Create new> and fill out the server form

  • Server name: enter “my-mssql-server-0123
  • Server admin login: enter “YOUR_ADMIN_LOGIN
  • Password: enter “YOUR_STRONG_PASSWORD
  • Location: select France Central (or any other region near you)
  • Click <OK>

9. For Computer + Storage, select <Basic>

10. Click the <Review + create> button

11. When finish, click on <Go to resource>

12. In the left menu, click on <Firewalls and virtual networks>

13. Click <+ Add client IP> to add your local IP address (Optional)

14. Click <Yes> to allow Azure services and resources to access this server

Don’t do this for an application on production, by clicking <Yes> you’re allowing all Azure subsciptions to access your database server

15. Click <Save>

Create Azure Database
Create Azure Database
Create Azure Database

III — Run the application locally using the newly reated database (Optional)

Make sure to add your local IP address in Azure before running the application on local machine (Step 13).

  1. Change your application.yml file

2. Run your application without any active profile

$> mvn spring-boot:run

3. Check the database creation by using any SQL Server client. For example I’m using Azure Data Studio to connect to Azure databases.

Azure Data Studio

4. Enjoy !

IV — Create the Azure Web App

  1. Connect to Azure Portal:
  2. Click on <Create a resource>
  3. Select <Web> in the left menu
  4. Click <Create Web App>. If not present, you can use the searching box and search for “web app
  5. Fill the form with tho following data:
  • Subscription: select your Azure subscription
  • Resource group: select the new created resource group. For example “azure-spring-mssql-rg”
  • Name: enter the web app name. For example: “azure-spring-mssql-app
  • Publish: select <Code>
  • Runtime stack: select <Java 11>
  • Java web server stack: select <Java SE (Embeded Web Server)>
  • Operating System: select <Linux>
  • Region: select France Central (or any other region near you)
  • Linux Plan: click <Create new> and enter a name for the new Linux Plan. For example “azure-spring-mssql-sp
  • Sku and size: click <Dev / Test> and select <F1> and then click <Apply>

6. Click <Review + create>

Create Azure Web App
Create Azure Web App

V — Deploy the application

To deploy a Maven project directly to Azure App Service we need the azure-maven-plugin.

First, sign-in to Azure by using Azure CLI (A pop-up will appear and then you can connect or select your Azure accoun):

$> az login

Then you can prepare the application for Azure Web App with the command:

$> mvn

This command will add the azure-webapp-maven-plugin plugin to your pom.xml file after prompting you to select an existing Web App or to create a new one.

Next is the newly created plugin in pom.xml file:

After checking the configuration, you can deploy the application by running the command:

$> mvn package azure-webapp:deploy

Just wait for it to be deployed, then you should have a Build Success like this:

Go to the Web App resource in Azure portal and click in the URL to interact with your application.

You can use Postman to list / add / update / delete students

Final step

  • For the application creation tutorial:

Note that the application is not secured, in fact this is not our objectifve in this tutorial, stay tuned for other tutorials to learn how to secure a web application on Azure

Et voila ! Thank you, and enjoy your spring application in the cloud :-)



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